I come from the land of upheaval, but who cares?
I once saw the end of the night, but no one cares for that.
I saw the sun rise days on end, but not a single person cared.
I saw the edge of the broken dawn in the summer of which we were all gone.
Nobody cares, but the fact is that I don’t care!
Useless memories that I see every day are just that; useless nothing can be done with them.
I don’t care, yet nobody cares.
The edges of the dawn are here for us to see the truth,
Awaken world, fore I hath forgotten you.
The edges of the plains of nowhere are what we dream of at night and day.
Nobody cares
Why are we doing this if not a single morsel cares?
Why do we put each other through the suffering hate, the pain of which we have all known throughout each and everyone’s lives?
The truth is, nobody cares.
I can continue this on for thousands and thousands of lines, but the truth is nobody cares.
People feel reading this is an enjoyment, but it is just something to do to pass the time out of their day!
Why write?
Why speak?
Why draw?
Why paint?
In the continuum of the moment of the earth’s cycles we all know one thing and that is that each one of us cares about ourselves.
We care not for those who depict us as bad, nor about those who depict themselves as bad.
We have the strength to get up and take a stand!
We are not weak, but each of us cares about our own things.
We will not fall in line and let others tell us what we can or cannot put on a page!
We have to stand up and resist the forcefulness of those appointed over our homes.
I stand before you not as a friend, not as an ally, but as a mutually equal person.
The feign of the nights that we hath forsaken thee are to come to an end!
We will stand up and bring about peace in ways that a single person cannot.
We are writers,
Some of us may be naturally gifted and others may have had hard work beside them,
Yet there is one thing that is true amoungst us all.
The linking chain between us all is that all we want is to be able to write.